
Friday 26 February 2016

Two cards today

For my first card, I used a Poppystamp 'Side Lattice Cutout' die on the base card.  I was lucky enough to win the die recently on the Poppystamps blog.  The cutout is backed with a strip of acetate.  I embellished the panel with punched flowers and leaves.  The pearls look a bit pink in the photograph, but are lilac IRL. I added a tiny punched butterfly, which is attached with foam pads, to give added interest. 

This photograph shows the card open.

I would like to enter my card for the following challenges:

My second card uses a Cottage Cutz 'Flamingo' die, which I was fortunate to borrow this week.  I think I may cut out a few more flamingos before returning the die!  I wanted to cut a strip for the pink diagonal with a pierced edge to matched the die cut rectangle, so I used the long edge of the largest Sue Wilson 'Double Pierced Rectangle' twice to cut a matching strip.  I decided not to use a sentiment so the card can be used for any occasion.

Incidentally, I was told recently, when I was working as a supply teacher, that primary schools are now being told not to use the word 'rectangle'.  Rectangles now have to be called oblongs.  Some things go full circle, they were always oblongs when I was at school!  


  1. Love the trellis card, just stunning and your flamingo card is so cute. Love the attention to detail with the stitching on the border stripe. Cara x

  2. Two gorgeous cards Liz, I really love the flamingo.

    Sue xx

  3. Two fabulous rectangle (or oblong!) cards - love them both. Congrats too on having your 101 card in QC magazine this month.
    Kath x

    1. Thanks, Kath, I was thrilled that they printed it. My copy of the magazine dropped through my door this afternoon. I love the free gift - the butterfly die cuts beautifully. x

  4. Two absolutely gorgeous cards Liz. The trellis one in particular, it really stands out. Perfect!

  5. These are beautiful, whether rectangles or oblongs! Great work!

  6. Two really lovely cards Liz. That flamingo is so sweet. I love your die on the first card. What a great win. Have a lovely weekend. Barbxx

  7. The flowers look so pretty on your trellis!

  8. Rectangles, squares... things do go in cycles don't they Liz... I guess a square is also a rectangle but it's not an oblong so the old fashioned way was right all the time!
    Another super card too!
    Thanks as ever
    "Less is More"

  9. I love the trellis work on this card and it looks good when the card is open. The little flowers are sweet and the butterfly just finishes your design perfectly. Thankyou for fluttering by my challenge #49. Hugs Mrs A.

  10. I love the trellis work card, what a lovely die and it looks so pretty with the added flowers.
    The flamingo is great too, it makes a fun card.
    Jean x

  11. Two great cards with lots of texture as well as interest, Liz! Sweet pink flamingo.

  12. Two fabulous cards Liz with great EF and dies.

    Kath x

  13. Super cards. Love the dramatic colours on the first and lucky you winning the die, looks like a really useful die! :-)

  14. Both cards are very pretty Liz but I am really in love with the flamingo card.
    Hugs, Veerle

  15. Your first card is so pretty Liz, I love that die you used. The flowers and foliage finish it off so nicely. Love the butterfly at the sentiment. Your second card is so cute, love the flamingo and love the case design. Hugs, Brenda

  16. WOW! You've gone texture crazy here Liz. Fantastic ideas and takes on the challenge and thanks for playing along at Less is More this week!
    Sarah x

  17. Two wonderful card Liz, great way to use the lattice die, love the Flamingo die.
    Pam x

  18. You have such a gorgeous die collection, Liz! Beautiful cards!

    1. I borrowed the flamingo one, but it might find its way onto my ever-growing wishlist! It is a beautiful die. xx

  19. Absolutely, I've trained myself out of saying oblong!
    Great cards as ever. I love the colours in the top one, clever use of acetate.

  20. 2 terrific cards! I adore that lattice die!

  21. Great cards Liz! Fun and gorgeous. Love the lattice cut out.

  22. Two fabulous cards Liz, great job!
    The lattice card is very pretty, I really like the lovely colours. I also like the acetate window you created, it shows off the lattice work beautifully and adds lots of interest. The little white flowers and tiny butterfly are lovely additions.
    The flamingo card is fabulous too Liz, I love the pink and white. You did a great job using the large die to create the strip in the background... that's thinking on your feet! Well done.

  23. Love the flamingo with the dotted swiss! And the lattice is so pretty with those white flowers!

  24. I love this Flamingo Liz and using the edge of a rectangle die to get the stitching on the strip is a great idea. Pretty dots embossing in the background too. x

  25. I forgot the lattice card was part of the same post and this is beautiful with the acetate to show it off and the blue is so pretty with the lovely little white flowers and green foliage and strip to match down the side, and a cute little butterfly too. x

  26. Sorry to be so late commenting, what super cards Liz. Love that flamingo die!
    Thanks for joining our challenge
    "Less is More"


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