
Sunday 3 September 2017

Totally out of my comfort zone!!

Back in February, I saw that quite a few of my crafty friends were signing up for 'Industrial grunge clock workshop' with Mark Gould, a member of the Decoart International Design Team, which was being held a few miles from my home.  As I'm more of a CAS crafter, I knew this would take me WAY out of my comfort zone, but that can only be a good thing to do occasionally.....right? So I clicked the button on my iPad and booked myself in, wondering what I was letting myself in for.  I went along yesterday and had the most amazing day, with Mark being a fabulous teacher.  

This is my finished project.

We started with plain chipboard pieces....

.....and painted the segments in our own choice of colours, before stamping them using Archival ink.  That was my first challenge, choosing the colours, stencils and stamps to use!

When all the segments were decorated, we set about making the circle in the centre look like rust.

 I couldn't believe that knowing what colours and paints to use, chipboard could be made to look exactly like rusty metal! 

Finally, the segments were distressed and assembled, before fitting the clock mechanism.

So that was my most enjoyable, 'totally out of my comfort zone' day!  I just need to work out how to get the acrylic paint out from under my nails!! 

I am joining in the following challenges:


  1. Wow! This is great, Liz! Congratulations! I know how you felt, far away from your comfort zone! The result is amazing!
    Hugs, Liv

  2. What a great project Liz, and it sounds like you had a super day making it as well. The rust effect looks amazing.
    Jean x

  3. This is fabulous Liz and it looks as though you took to it like a duck to water. I love the yellow and blue together and the darker blue harlequins work well, and that centre really does look like it has been rusting for years. x

  4. Fabulous project, love how your clock turned out. I hope you can get the paint out!

  5. Oh wow, this is amazing!! I love the rusted center!! You can't tell you were out of your comfort zone!! It's stunning!! What a fun class!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  6. Sounds like a fun day, congrats on a great result

  7. It may have been out of your comfort zone, but what an amazing creation, Glad you had so much fun xx

  8. Wow that clock is wonderful - it is good to move out of the comfort zone now and then. Well worth it in this case I'd say as it sounds as if you had fun.

  9. So glad you enjoyed your out of your comfort day and what an amazing clock you have produced...good on you x

  10. I simply LLLLLLOVE your beautiful wall clock, Liz. The rusty colours and the great stamps helped you create a stunning creation!!! Kisses, my friend.

  11. What fun and I bet you are glad you went. What next?

  12. Fantastic project Liz, amazing clock!know what you mean out of your comfort zone lol..
    Pam x

  13. Well done Liz, a super creation and it looks stunning.

    Kath x

  14. Wow, fantastic Liz and well done for getting out of your comfort zone, as you say it does you good. I love your clock.

    Sue xx

  15. I'm glad you took the challenge, because look at what you made! It's fabulous!!

  16. I think I need to get out of my comfort zone sometimes. It's easier for me when I have a class. I think you did a great job. You must have been so pleased as you saw it all coming together. [Bunny]

  17. Well done Liz, so good you stept out of your comfort zone. Sometimes you then amaze yourself and others like this time. LOVE it. Hugs Veerle x

  18. Liz, WOW and this is awesome. Good to get out of the comfort zone at times and enjoy something different. It's awesome..xx[aNNie]

  19. So super that you did this! And yeah way out of your comfortzone, but hey it is looking so good! Great colours and beautiful warm feel; something to enjoy all year round... and allways something that you learn that you can use in your own style... Hugs, Gerrina

  20. This is brilliant Liz - I love learning new techniques especially with good teachers. Sounds like you had a good time. Shabneez x

  21. Stunning! What an awesome project. Hope it gets hung in a prominent place!

  22. OMG, until I read the post I thought the clock face WAS rusty metal, what an ingenious and beautiful clock, you must have had wonderful fun, what a way to go out of your comfort zone. Fabulous.

  23. A fantastic make Liz, well done you!!
    Janice x

  24. Your clock is AMAZING, Liz!! Great job. Love the colours, stencils and images you've used. And the center does look like a piece of rusted metal. xx

  25. Fabulous Liz! Brilliant work and so out of your comfort zone.


    Di xx

  26. This is fab Liz, reminds me of a Saxon Shield with an amazing central rust effect. Thank you for sharing your process and joining the That's Crafty Challenge.
    Best Wishes Tracey.

  27. It was a brilliant day, learnt so much. Suspect I will be rusting lots of things now, lol!

  28. Oh goodness, this is so very different from your usual style - stunning but in a completely different way from your usual CAS-tastic work!

  29. So pleased you had fun and were willing to. E pushed out of your comfort zone the result is awesom. Thanks for coming along x

  30. Well done for stepping over that line. The results are fabulous. Thanks for joining in with us at Country View Crafts.

  31. It was a great workshop wasn't it! Your clock looks amazing. Thanks for joining in at CVC.


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