
Monday 7 January 2019

Sad News

Any visitors to my blog in the last few days may have seen my post last Wednesday when I posted a 104th Birthday card for a very special lady.  On Friday we received the very sad news that Kitty passed away on Thursday evening, the day after her 104th birthday.  She was the most amazing lady, it was a privilege to call her my friend and she will be missed by so many people.  Up until a few weeks ago she was sat in our local stadium, cheering on our favourite football team.  This is the sympathy card I made for her son and daughter-in-law.
I decided to make a 7" x 5" Joy Fold card.  I always made Kitty's cards in blue and white, the team colours of our football team.  I kept a blue and white theme for this card, but used a pastel blue instead of a bright blue as it seemed more appropriate.  The card base is white, but I covered the front section in blue card as the patterned paper I used on the front is predominately white.  The patterned paper is from a Papermania paper pad.  The image and sentiment are stamped with Versafine 'Onyx Black' and are from the Happy Little Stampers 'Dandelion Wishes' set of stamps.  A flower brad keeps the card closed and I added a few blue, punched hearts.

This photo shows the card open.

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  1. Oh i was saddened to read this Liz, as I remember seeing that card recently.
    A beautiful card made in tribute to her, I pray for comfort for all who loved her. I hadn’t heard of a joy fold card but then I’m not into fancy folds much. It’s a good design.
    Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
    {Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

  2. So sorry to read this news Liz, your friend sounded like a feisty interesting lady, a beautiful card for her son and daughter-in-law

  3. A beautiful card for sad occasion. She sounded like an amazing lady who will be missed by many people.
    Kath x

  4. Sad to hear about Kitty but it is just great that she was able to live her life to the full right up to the end, and this joy fold card is a beautiful sympathy card for her family. x

  5. So sorry to hear these news, Liz. It will always hurt to let a good friend go.
    Your card is so beautiful and so personal for this special occasion.
    Peace to you and to her family.
    Liv xx

  6. Oh Liz...that is such sad news and there is never a good time to lose a loved one be it family or friend. You have made a lovely card for her family..a very fitting tribute to someone who was an amazing lady.xx

  7. Sorry to hear your sad news about your friend...and you made a beautiful card for her family...Joolsx

  8. So sorry for the bad news :(
    Your card for for her son and daughter-in-law is so sweet and delicate

  9. How sad Liz but what an amazing life she must have had.
    A lovely sympathy card. x

  10. That is sad news and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. It sounds like she had a terrific life and lived it right up to the end. Good for her, she set a wonderful example of living life to the fullest. Her family will appreciate this lovely card.

  11. So sorry to hear the news. Your card is a lovely tribute to her memory

  12. So sorry for the loss of your wonderful friend Liz, the card you've made is beautiful.

  13. That is sad news about your friend - you've made a beautiful card for her family which I'm sure they will appreciate.

  14. I am deeply sorry for the loss of your friend, Liz. I had seen the card you made for her birthday and I admired her desire for life. Keep thinking of her, my dear lady. I love the card you made for her memory. Hugs.

  15. Sorry to hear this Liz, your card for the family is just perfect

  16. I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. She sounds like an amazing lady. What a beautiful card you made for her family. The design is gorgeous. Big hugs :)

    A Mermaid's Crafts

  17. Such a beautiful and appropriate card with a great design. So sorry to hear the sad news but how marvellous she was still going to the football until very recently x.

  18. So sorry to hear your sad news Liz, she was a remarkable lady.
    Beautiful card for her family.
    Pam x

  19. So sorry to hear this sad news Liz. This is a lovely card you made for the family, love the soft hues of the blue.

  20. What a life she must have had! I know things won't seem the same without her. Lovely card for her family & so appropriate to make it blue & white. Sending hugs, Greta

  21. What a stunningly simple yet beautiful card. At times such as this, contact from those who spent time getting to know the lost family member can be most soothing. Thank you for sharing with us at Craftyhazelnut's PPC XXX

  22. A very pretty card for our 'Hearts and Flowers' theme at Allsorts challenge this week. many thanks for joining in.

    B x

  23. So sad - I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. This is a beautiful card and I am sure will be appreciated by her family. I like the way you did the layout - something a little different. Thanks so much for sharing with us at Allsorts challenge.
    Lynn x

  24. That is sad news but I hope she got to see your wonderful card you made her and could enjoy it. I am sure the beautiful sympathy card you made for her family will be treasured too.

  25. Oh Liz, this is indeed sad news! But Kitty lived a long life and sounds like she enjoyed every bit of it! I'm glad she was able to cheer her team on one more time before she passed. To make it to 104 is quite the accomplishment! Bless her, I know she is in a better place with our Lord Savoir. I love the card you made for the family, love that you stuck with the same color combo and the dandelion is perfect as I think Kitty probably blew a lot of them herself. Love the joy fold as well too. Hugs, Brenda

  26. AW! how sad to hear this news Liz, however isn't it wonderful she enjoyed life to the last. I think it's what we would all like to do. Your card is a wonderful, one that no doubt will be treasured by her family.

  27. Hi Liz,
    so sorry to hear your news about your lovely friend.
    Sounds like she was a very active lady in her very long life time.
    My your card will be a comfort to her Daughter I'm sure.
    Love the wonderful design and the papers used are so pretty.
    Must have a go at a joy fold soon as I have never done one before.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  28. Sorry to read this about your friend... But what an age...
    Your sympathy card is beautiful! Take care! Hugs, Gerrina

  29. Such sad news Liz, but how she enjoyed her life. Your card is perfect for the occasion.
    Janice x

  30. Beautiful card,Liz.So sorry for your loss.104 years is a long life.She have seen all the changes in the world.


  31. That is sad news but nice to know that she reached her birthday. A lovely fitting card done in the blue and white. Hugs Mrs A.

  32. Sorry for your loss.
    Beautiful card.
    Thank you for sharing at Allsorts;-))m

  33. Oh that's so sad Liz. Sorry for the loss of your friend. Shabneez x

  34. So sorry for your loss, but the sympathy card is just beautiful!

  35. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news Liz.
    Your card is so pretty, I'm sure it was much appreciated.
    Pauline - Crafting with Cotnob

  36. What a long-lived life Kitty had and how blessed she was that she lived all of it robustly! I'm glad she made it to the 104th landmark age. Your sympathy card is absolutely lovely, Liz! Hugs, Darnell

  37. Sorry to hear the news of your friend, Kitty's passing, Liz. Amazing lady. I'm sure your card brought comfort to her son and daughter-in-law. xx

  38. A beautiful card to remember Kitty. I'm almost sure I already knew but hadn't spotted this card or at least hadn't commented on it. My guess is you passed the sad news on in one of our email exchanges. How lovely that you were good friends and I'm sure she always appreciated the wonderful cards you made for her. One of life's real treasures.


    Di xx


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