
Friday 25 March 2022

Back in my Craftroom

After two years of avoiding Covid, it finally caught up with me last weekend.  Despite being triple jabbed, I spent five days in bed with little energy to do anything and dosed myself up to clear the heavy cold symptoms I had.  Feeling a little better today, I went into my craft room to finish off a card I started over a week ago.

I'm not sure if this fold has a name, but it was demonstrated by Lisa on her Nifty Noodles Crafting Facebook page last week.

The papers were from a paper pad I bought at The Range and I think these papers are perfect for masculine cards.  I added some punched leaves to embellish my card.  All the orange mats and leaves were made with snippets, so I'll be sharing my card in The Playground.

I am joining in the following challenges:


  1. Sorry to read that you were unwell with Covid Liz,glad you're feeling better now. A fabulous masculine card,the papers are gorgeous and need little embellishing,a brilliant make

  2. Beautiful warm card! Hugs, Gerrina

  3. Sorry to hear that Covid caught up with you but pleased to hear that you are feeling better now and getting into the craft room - the best therapy in my book!! just booked for my Spring booster jab.

  4. Sorry to hear you succumbed to the dreaded lurgey, but glad to hear you're feeling well enough to get back to some crafting. And what a GORGEOUS fancy fold card you've made too. Lovely paper and lovely shape. xxx

  5. What a striking fold card with glorious papers Liz. I am so sorry you have caught Covid and after avoiding it for so long and being triple vaccinated....sending hugs x.

  6. Lovely card Liz and perfect as you say for those masculine cards. Sorry to hear that you caught Covid but glad to hear that you are feeling better. xx

  7. Hi Liz,
    So sorry to hear you have had Covid.
    I love your wonderful card and those papers are gorgeous.
    Love the fab shape also.
    We have had a new Range opened last Friday where I live can't wait to get rid of this darn cold to go and have a look.
    Lots of crafty love. Jenny L.

  8. So glad you are feeling a little better, sending hugs

  9. Those papers make such a neat jungle-themed card for anyone! I just love that unique fold too, beautifully done!

  10. Hi Liz, sorry to hear Covid finally caught up with you. Thankfully you're safe and on the mend now! This card is brilliant - you always find the most unusual folds and those patterned papers are just gorgeous. I think I have something similar in my stash somewhere - I'll have to check! Not that I could ever pull off a card as complicated as this I'm sure!

  11. This is another wonderful shaped card Liz and I love the colours and the added punched leaves and just perfect for a masculine birthday. I thought perhaps you were away as the weather has been good, but sorry to hear you had the virus and pleased you are on the mend now. x

  12. Glad you're feeling better Liz- even a milder dose of Covid seems to be able to knock us for six and sap all our energy. Hope you are fully recovered soon.
    Gorgeous card, fabulous fold - love the bold and beautiful papers!

  13. such a special fold, wow. I have similar papers but I haven't used them yet.
    oh yes, I totally understand you, we caught Covid in January, despite being triple jabbed too. I am glad you are feeling better.

  14. Oh no, I am so sorry you were ill but happy to read you are on the mend. This card is so pretty! I have not seen this fold before and it looks quite intriguing! I will look for the tutorial you mentioned. Hope you continue to get better each day!

  15. Oh dear Liz, I'm so sorry to read that you have Covid and that you've been quite unwell with it. I'm also triple vaccinated and caught it myself back in February after managing to avoid it for so long. During the first lockdown, nobody that I knew or knew of had it but it seems to be worse than ever now. I hope that you're feeling back to yourself real soon. Your card is lovely and you are so clever with your fancy folds, well done. Take care of yourself, crafty hugs, Sandra x

  16. Oh dear Liz so sorry you succumbed to Covid! Hope you’re feeling much better now. Your card I’d lovely, I think those papers are beautiful, such rich colours.

  17. OH! NO Liz, however I'm glad to hear you are feeling well enough to do a card, you must have been poorly not to craft? I LOVE your card. Great paper and fold and as you say masculine. With both my hats on I will say - Thank you so much for joining us in our Animals challenge at The Male Room Good Luck and I hope you will join us in our next challenge.
    Faith DT

  18. I'm so sorry to read you have been ill with covid. I do hope you are feeling a lot better today. This is a gorgeous card with an unusual fold, those papers are so lush.

  19. Sorry to hear that you have been ill with Covid, but it seems that now you feel better! Fabulous folding, a very elegant card and perfect for masculine recipients!

  20. Snap Liz! I can't believe I've had it again!!! I hope you are feeling a lot better but it does totally drain you. Gorgeous card with fab fold and love the papers hugs Sue x

  21. Oh no, Liz. I'm so sorry to hear this and hope by now you are getting better. I wonder if this is the new variant we are hearing about here in the states. Please rest and take care of yourself. Be well, my sweet friend. This paper is awesome and so is the fold. What a great card!

  22. Now this is a very special shaped card for the mantel and such beautiful colours too. So sorry to hear that you have Covid Liz, we have avoided it so far but our Son is currently positive so I suspect it will get us soon!! xx

  23. What a pretty card, Liz! I think we should call it the Nifty Fold! What is not nifty, however, is that you ended up with Covid. Crap. It does seem as if we are all going to get it, sooner or later. I'm glad your symptoms weren't too bad and you are up and feeling better and I hope Alan didn't get it! Hugs, Darnell

    1. I had to self-isolate for 10 days as I was still testing positive every day. Yesterday was day 10 for me and Alan tested positive, so he's just starting his self-isolation period. xx

  24. Oh Liz, what can I say? You're so aware and also so careful - and still it sneaks up. Hope you're feeling better now - Len's dentist went down with it the day before his appointment - why do we feel things are closing in even more? On the up side - well done on your prize win, busy here and it's likely to be posted later than I hoped. I do so love your card, am not normally a fan of some of the silly contortions some people seem to want to promote in their folded cards but this is so classy. I really love it!

    Get well soon - email will be sent once your dies are en route to you!


    Di xx

  25. Sorry to hear you had covid. It’s getting to us all one way or another. The good news is that it didn’t stop you making a beautiful card. Thanks for playing along with The Male Room. X

  26. Oh, the color combination is so pretty, love the design papers and the folding is awesome. Thank you for playing along with The Male Room's Animal challenge. I hope to see you our new Dry embossing challenge too.


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