Tuesday, 11 February 2025


I returned home on Sunday after a few days in Derbyshire with my hubby.  After attending a short pyrography workshop locally last December, I signed up for an all day pyrography workshop with Bob Neill in Derbyshire.  I remember seeing Bob demonstrating at the big craft show in the NEC Birmingham many years ago.  It's been on my wish list for a long time to attend one of his workshop.  What an amazing day I had on Saturday!  I learnt so much about the craft and with just two of us in the group (not my 'uncrafty' hubby, I hasten to add 🤣), we had lots of individual attention.

We started by practising different techniques on small plaques.

We then progressed to decorating a spoon.

Our final project was to decorate a cheeseboard.

If you ever fancy learning the craft of pyrography, I can't recommend Bob highly enough.  The course was held in Bob's home and included a delicious lunch prepared by his lovely wife, Del.  I now have my own machine and look forward to hopefully developing my pyrography skills. 


  1. Wow Liz, these look amazing, definitely not like something produced by a beginner- you must have a natural aptitude for pyrography. Looking forward to seeing your next projects- enjoy your new hobby.

  2. This does look fascinating and I love all the things you made, but my favourite is the cheeseboard with the fun little mouse working his way through the cheese which looks fantastic Liz.. the different depths of burning are wonderful. x

  3. Beautiful projects Liz,one of my friends is a huge fan of pyrography

  4. This looks fascinating, Liz! You certainly did a brilliant job of it on all your pieces! Have fun!! Hugs, Darnell

  5. How nice to try a different craft Liz, each piece you created looks really good, the spoon has so much detail on it.

    B x

  6. It sounds like an amazing day Liz. I love your pyrography, especially the cheese board, which is far too good to ever use for cheese!
    Kath x

  7. Super stunning work Liz. Lovely images especially the little mouse. Well done! x

  8. It looks like you are a natural at this. Your results are very special. I am glad you had such an enjoyable day and I look forward to seeing more from you xx

  9. These all look fabulous Liz, you clearly had both a very enjoyable and productive day with brilliant results. xx

  10. Wow! Good for you trying something new!
    They look fabulous!

  11. Wow this is amazing and awesome work of art so impressed xx

  12. Wow your makes from the workshop are fabulous! How lovely to have a private session like that, I might have to check it out! Xxx

  13. How lovely to branch out with a new to you craft - lovely results and something a bit different

  14. Looks so good, especially the cheese platter! A new hobby (or more?) Hugs, Gerrina

  15. WOW these are awesome Liz so beautifully done they all look so professional
    lorraine x

  16. Wow you are a woman of many talents Liz. These all look amazing! I am looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful projects with the new machine!!

  17. Your pyrography pieces are amazing! It's clear that you have a natural talent for this craft. The cheeseboard with the fun little mouse is absolutely adorable, and the spoon has such intricate details. It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the workshop and learned a lot. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your pyrography projects!

  18. You got so many items decorated and it sounds like an wonderful day too. They all look amazing for your first attempt, obviously a natural. Over the years people have asked me why I don't give it a go, but it has never appealed to me. Although if I lived near I would probably have a go at this course based on your results.


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